On average, there are over 10,000 burglaries in the U.S. every day, with one-third of these occurring in a business or corporation. By definition, a burglary is a crime that involves entering a building or other location to commit an offense.

Every year, home and business owners lose approximately $3.1 billion worth of property to burglaries alone. Considering the fact that the police are only able to clear 13% of all reported burglaries, you must take necessary measures that will help prevent you — and your company — from being a victim.

Unfortunately, not everyone can hire a private security guard to monitor their business. However, thanks to technological advancements and innovation in the security and surveillance industry, virtual guard services now offer remote monitoring services for properties across the country.

Here’s what you should know about virtual guard services for your business.

How Does It Work

Virtual guard services embody a number of functions: video surveillance cameras, audio detection services, and door buzzers, to name a few. Think of virtual guard services as your personal surveillance system. When you opt for a virtual guard, you can rely on a remote employee to alert you if anything goes wrong. As such, virtual guard services are ideal for museums, apartment complexes, schools, hospitals, and more.

If there is any suspicious activity, an alert goes off, and the virtual guard analyzes the situation and determines the proper steps to take. This takes the form of communicating with the suspect via the integrated security systems as they coordinate with law enforcement for a response.

Efficiency & Guaranteed Surveillance

In comparison with on-site security guards, virtual guard services are more efficient. This is because a security guard can only be at one place at a time, whereas a virtual guard can monitor your entire premise at all times thanks to a video monitoring system.

A virtual guard also ensures that a tired employee doesn’t fall asleep on the job. Working night shifts are hard and relying on virtual guard services guarantees around-the-clock protection.


According to research, people forget 70% of the information presented to them in one day. This indicates how unreliable human memory is. When dealing with forgetful security guards, any number of important information could fall through the cracks.

With integrated security solutions, everything is captured on video. As such, details of any ordeal can be easily verified and with timestamps to eliminate any shred of doubt.

Safer For
The Guard

On-site security guards are prone to getting injuries while trying to prevent a crime. This, in turn, increases the risk of liability.

On the other hand, virtual guards can offer higher levels of security without being in the crosshairs. Instead of worrying about their safety, they are in a position to monitor everything calmly and provide actionable information to responding officers.


Controlling and reducing costs is an important aspect of ensuring a business safeguards its margins or becomes more profitable. From a financial standpoint, virtual guards will cost you less than security guards.

With virtual guard services, you can save up to 70% of what you would spend on one security guard. As such, you will have round-the-clock business security solutions at a fraction of the cost.

Are Virtual Guards Worth It?

One incident of theft can result in significant losses, especially when it involves valuable assets, machines integral for operation, or sensitive business information.

With such protection, you can be confident that your business is secure. For more information about business and home security solutions, don’t hesitate to contact AA Safe and Security today.

Benefits of Remote Guarding

The largest benefit of security monitoring services is the ability to monitor the system remotely and still react in real time to events. Remote guards have many advantages:

  • Savings– virtual guards are a quarter the cost of traditional guards
  • Increased Capabilities– the security system they are monitoring can see farther, and better at night, giving them a better view of your site
  • Effectiveness– a trained virtual guard can monitor your entire system compared to multiple guards on the ground